IMAJI <p>IMAJI mewadahi kumpulan berbagai topik kajian film/audio visual yang berisi gagasan, penelitian, maupun pandangan kritis, segar, dan inovatif mengenai perkembangan fenomenal perfilman khususnya dan audio visual pada umumnya. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sumbangan penelitian terhadap medium film serta audio visual yang diharapkan dapat mendorong perkembangan perfilman, termasuk fotografi, televisi dan media baru di Indonesia, agar menjadi unggul dan kompetitif di tingkat nasional dan di dunia internasional.</p> en-US <p>IMAJI (ISSN Online: 2775-6033 | ISSN Print: 1907-3097 ) is <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License..</a></p> (Muhammad Aditya Pratama) (Marselli Sumarno) Wed, 31 Jul 2024 08:38:03 +0000 OJS 60 Exoticism in Photography <p><em>Historically, the age of colonisation constructs the cultural map of the world, which, after decolonisation, gives way to exotic views, which, through postcolonial criticism, arrive in Segalen’s thought, called symbolist exoticism. This concept is useful for discussing Jean Mohr’s photographs taken from inside a Pullman carriage on his journey from Bandung to Jakarta in December 1973. This article is a preliminary attempt to uncover the cultural construct behind the exotic moments of specific-movements captured by Jean Mohr’s camera.</em></p> Seno Gumira Ajidarma Copyright (c) 2024 IMAJI Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Seri Foto Jesus Is My Homeboy (2003) Karya David Lachapelle <p><em>The focus of the research is related to the Jesus Is My Homeboy (2003) photo series by David Lachapelle. Lachapelle as a contemporary photographer tries to interpret the work of painting maestro Leonardo da Vinci about the Last Supper into the art of photography. Lachapelle’s work in the genre of photography is often discussed by academics and artists. The journalistic photography genre is considered the pioneer, followed by commercial photography and finally art photography. Semiotic and hermeneutic theories are used to explain the photo. Research results: First, LaChapelle tried to defend Christianity by not looking at ethnicity or race to worship Jesus. Second, reading photographs from any genre of photography is easier to understand using a semiotic and hermeneutic approach. Third, semiotics and hermeneutics play an important role in reading codes in images and interpreting them.</em></p> Ferdiansyah Copyright (c) 2024 IMAJI Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Peran Fotografi dalam Pengarsipan Dokumentasi Sejarah Kemerdekaan Indonesia <p><em>This research discusses the role of photography in archiving the history of Indonesian independence. For example, archives are various manuscripts in the form of papers, books, books, photographs, films, microfilms, sound recordings, map images, diagrams or other documents which are originals or copies and are accepted by the authorities as evidence and created. Archiving documentation of the history of Indonesia’s independence is very important because it can be evidence of the history of Indonesia’s journey that can be recorded and can be a lesson for future generations about how to fight for Indonesia’s independence. The research here uses descriptive-analytical literature methods. The aim of this research is to understand the meaning of documentary photography, archives and documentation, to prove that the history of Indonesian independence can be seen through documentary evidence by utilizing photography as a form of modern visual art that combines art and technology and to understand the implementation of photography in archiving the history of Indonesian independence.</em></p> Subhan Akrom Duta Laksana Copyright (c) 2024 IMAJI Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Perkembangan Fotografi Sebagai Mata Perekam Objektif Penghadir Realitas <p><em>The development of photography from an artistic aid to a primary medium for recording reality has significantly impacted perspectives on history and knowledge. Photography not only preserves historical memorabilia but also conveys emotions and stories, enhancing human understanding of the world. This article analyzes the evolution of photography and its role as an agent of social change using an intersectional approach. Case studies of works by renowned photographers such as Dorothea Lange, Eugene Smith, and Nick Út demonstrate the visual power of photography to inspire action and drive social change. Photography is not just a technical tool but a medium rich in meaning, interpretation, and beauty that enriches human understanding of the world.</em></p> Supriyanta Copyright (c) 2024 IMAJI Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Fotografi Landscape dengan Visual dari Pendekatan Fotografi Ekspresi <p><em>This writing aims to describe the concept and process of creating photographic art with the title “Landscape Photography with Visuals from an Expression Photography Approach”. There are many types and techniques in photography, one of which interests the author is landscape photography. The creation of photographic works of art with the main theme is Landscape Photography with Visuals from an Expression Photography Approach. The theme is natural beauty and its characteristics. Landscape Photography with Visuals from an Expression Photography Approach uses an exploration process in creating work. This exploration is to find concepts and ideas related to the natural beauty in Trenggalek in the form of beaches, waterfalls, and so on, namely by making observations to see the location, studying the situation and conditions to determine the point of view of the object. The concept in creating this work of Landscape Photography with Visuals from an Expression Photography Approach is that the author wants to display the beauty of nature which has a calm, cool and dramatic impression. The process of visualizing the work is carried out using a Canon EOS RP camera, 24-105 mm lens, ND filter, memory card, tripod and the technique used is a wide sharp field combined with slow speed or long exposure. The use of a wide sharp area aims to display the object in overall detail. Meanwhile, the slow speed or long exposure technique is used to display water objects so that they look smooth because they use low speed, so that artistic and aesthetic work will be produced.<br /></em></p> Mochamad Naufal Diwana Copyright (c) 2024 IMAJI Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Peran Peran Elemen Fotografi sebagai Bahasa Visual: Pemahaman Teknis dan Artistik <p><em>The grammar of photography can be defined as the basic set of elements that form the technical and visual foundation for creating photographic imagery. These elements include the photo frame, aperture, shutter speed, and the physical medium used. Just like in written literacy that uses vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, photography also has fundamental components such as exposure, composition, aperture, shutter speed, and framing. The focus of the issue in this article is how these elements can be effectively combined to convey messages, emotions and stories through images.</em></p> <p><em>The aim of this research is to outline the importance of understanding the elements of photographic grammar in creating a strong visual narrative. The methods used include an analysis of concepts and practices in photography, emphasizing the importance of subject, content, and form. The results of this study show that by understanding how to organize elements such as picture plan, vantage point, and juxtaposition, photographers can produce meaningful and communicative photos.</em><br /><br /></p> <p> </p> Amran Malik Hakim Copyright (c) 2024 IMAJI Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000