Loetoeng Kasaroeng : Wiranatakusumah V Peletak Dasar Film Trans-nasional
Loetoeng Kasaroeng, Wiranatakusumah V, trans-national filmAbstract
“Loetoeng Kasaroeng” is the first Indonesian narrative film. The story was based on the folklore from West Java, Lutung Kasarung. But more than that, this film was also the first Indonesian film production that involves two countries -Dutch and Indonesia (Dutch East Indies), which is now known as trans-national film. At that time, the Regent of Bandung, Wiranatakusumah V, supported the film by financing the production and selecting the actors -he chooses his relatives. So that it can be concluded that in fact the Indonesian film industry has started in the middle of 1920s, when the native people (Indonesian) contributed and determined on the film production.
Abdullah, Taufik, Dr. et al., Film Indonesia Bagian I (1900-1950), Jakarta : Dewan Film Nasional, 1993.
De Locomotief, “Loetoeng Kasaroeng” dibuat film, Overzee edition, No.71, 2 s/d 4 September 1926.
Iskandar, Eddy D., Bandung Tonggak Sejarah Film Indonesia, Pustaka Dasentra, 2006.
Kristanto, JB., Katalog Film Indonesia 1926-2007, Jakarta : Penerbit Nalar, 2007.
Tjasmadi, HM. Johan, 100 Tahun Bioskop di Indonesia (1900-2000), Jakarta : Cinemags, Komunitas Bambu, Jakarta.
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