Ruang Publik Independen Menjadi Alternatif untuk Pemutaran Film Alternatif
Public Space, Alternative Film, Film IndonesiaAbstract
Film maker will be kindly welcomed the cinemas that increased by the Government. Because of the number of cinemas in the country is less than the total population. Nowadays, the film-makers realize that there are many good Indonesian movie which require alternate screen due competitive imported blockbuster movie which is frequently defeat Indonesian movie. Fortunately, alternative films that managed independently has been welcomed by the growth of more public spaces in big cities like Jakarta. This article will describe some of the activities that have been taken by the filmmakers in distributing the film, in order to have a liberal space to communicate.
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Scruton, Roger. Public Space and the Classical Venacular in The Public Interest no.74, New York: National Affair, 1984.
Sumarno, Marselli. Dasar-dasar Apresiasi Film. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, 1996
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