Fotografi Landscape dengan Visual dari Pendekatan Fotografi Ekspresi


  • Mochamad Naufal Diwana Program Studi Fotografi Fakultas Seni Media Rekam, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta



Nature, Beauty, Concept, Process, Landscape Photography


This writing aims to describe the concept and process of creating photographic art with the title “Landscape Photography with Visuals from an Expression Photography Approach”. There are many types and techniques in photography, one of which interests the author is landscape photography. The creation of photographic works of art with the main theme is Landscape Photography with Visuals from an Expression Photography Approach. The theme is natural beauty and its characteristics. Landscape Photography with Visuals from an Expression Photography Approach uses an exploration process in creating work. This exploration is to find concepts and ideas related to the natural beauty in Trenggalek in the form of beaches, waterfalls, and so on, namely by making observations to see the location, studying the situation and conditions to determine the point of view of the object. The concept in creating this work of Landscape Photography with Visuals from an Expression Photography Approach is that the author wants to display the beauty of nature which has a calm, cool and dramatic impression. The process of visualizing the work is carried out using a Canon EOS RP camera, 24-105 mm lens, ND filter, memory card, tripod and the technique used is a wide sharp field combined with slow speed or long exposure. The use of a wide sharp area aims to display the object in overall detail. Meanwhile, the slow speed or long exposure technique is used to display water objects so that they look smooth because they use low speed, so that artistic and aesthetic work will be produced.

Author Biography

Mochamad Naufal Diwana, Program Studi Fotografi Fakultas Seni Media Rekam, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

saat ini sedang menempuh pendidikan di Program Studi Fotografi, Fakultas Seni Media Rekam, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta.


Alam, Peter Chandra. Kiat Praktis Memotret Landscape. Elex Media Komputindo, 2013.

Soedjono, Soeprapto. “Pot Pourri Photography.” Jakarta: Universitas Trisakti, 2006.

Susanto, Mikke. Diksi Rupa: Kumpulan Istilah Dan Gerakan Seni Rupa. DictiArt Lab, 2011.



How to Cite

Mochamad Naufal Diwana. (2024). Fotografi Landscape dengan Visual dari Pendekatan Fotografi Ekspresi. IMAJI, 15(2), 125–134.