Hantu Film Indonesia Pindah Menjadi Hantu Urban
Indonesian horror film, folklore, myth, ghostAbstract
Ghost-themed film cannot be separated from the matter of pop culture. Not only because the media is in fact film, this is also related to the social problems where these films are presented, as well as becoming part of its society’s representation. The transformation of how we articulate ‘ghosts’ in film cannot be separated from the transformation of the media industry itself, which follows the societal and technological developments. As a result, the theme of ghost stories in film, which used to rely on the power of rural myths, transformed its articulation towards a new myth that is oriented to urban society.
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Suseno, Franz Magnis. Etika Politik. Jakarta: Gramedia. 1987.
Rizal, Yos. “Musim Panen Film Horor.” Harian Tempo
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