Perkembangan Fotografi Sebagai Mata Perekam Objektif Penghadir Realitas


  • Supriyanta Fakultas Film Dan Televisi, Institut Kesenian Jakarta



Photography, Reality Recorder, History, Social Change, Intersectionality


The development of photography from an artistic aid to a primary medium for recording reality has significantly impacted perspectives on history and knowledge. Photography not only preserves historical memorabilia but also conveys emotions and stories, enhancing human understanding of the world. This article analyzes the evolution of photography and its role as an agent of social change using an intersectional approach. Case studies of works by renowned photographers such as Dorothea Lange, Eugene Smith, and Nick Út demonstrate the visual power of photography to inspire action and drive social change. Photography is not just a technical tool but a medium rich in meaning, interpretation, and beauty that enriches human understanding of the world.

Author Biography

Supriyanta, Fakultas Film Dan Televisi, Institut Kesenian Jakarta

pengajar bidang fotografi di Fakultas Film dan Televisi, Institut Kesenian Jakarta. Saat ini juga sedang menempuh pendidikan doktoral di Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar.



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As-SIRJANI, Raghib. Sumbangan Islam Pada Dunia. Jakarta: Pustaka Kautsar, 2009.

Barthes, Roland. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. New York: Hill and Wang, 1981

Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. New Zealand: Penguin Books, 2009.

Davenport, Alma. The History of Photography. New Mexico: University of New Mexico, 1991.

Jailani, Imam Amrusi. “Kontribusi Ilmuwan Muslim dalam Perkembangan Sains Modern”. Jurnal Theologia (Vol. 29 No.1 Juni), 2018, hal. 165-188.

Sontag, Susan. On Photography. New York: Rosetta Books, 2005.

Supriyanta. “Realitas Obyektif Imaji Fotografi”. Imaji: Jurnal Film Fotografi Televisi dan Media Baru (Vol. 12 No. 3 Desember), 2021, hal. 132-143.

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Artikel Online “Tomoko Uemura in Her Bath”, Diakses pada 22 Juni 2024. “Napalm Girl: The Photo That Changed the World”, Diakses pada 22 Juni 2024. “Sejarah Fotografi”, Diakses pada 22 Juni 2024. “National Gallery of Art: Dorothea Lange Photography Exhibition”, Diakses pada 22 Juni 2024.



How to Cite

Supriyanta. (2024). Perkembangan Fotografi Sebagai Mata Perekam Objektif Penghadir Realitas. IMAJI, 15(2), 115–124.