Seri Foto Jesus Is My Homeboy (2003) Karya David Lachapelle

Melalui Pendekatan Semiotika dan Pembacaan Hermenutik


  • Ferdiansyah Fakultas Film dan Televisi, Institut Kesenian Jakarta



Genre, Photography, David LaChapelle, Semiotics, Hermeneutics


The focus of the research is related to the Jesus Is My Homeboy (2003) photo series by David Lachapelle. Lachapelle as a contemporary photographer tries to interpret the work of painting maestro Leonardo da Vinci about the Last Supper into the art of photography. Lachapelle’s work in the genre of photography is often discussed by academics and artists. The journalistic photography genre is considered the pioneer, followed by commercial photography and finally art photography. Semiotic and hermeneutic theories are used to explain the photo. Research results: First, LaChapelle tried to defend Christianity by not looking at ethnicity or race to worship Jesus. Second, reading photographs from any genre of photography is easier to understand using a semiotic and hermeneutic approach. Third, semiotics and hermeneutics play an important role in reading codes in images and interpreting them.

Author Biography

Ferdiansyah, Fakultas Film dan Televisi, Institut Kesenian Jakarta

Fotografer berpengalaman dengan sejarah kerja di industri produksi media. Saat ini aktif mengajar di Fakultas Film dan Televisi, Institut Kesenian Jakarta dan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif Jakarta.



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Kaelan. Filsafat Bahasa Semiotika dan Hermeneutika. Yogyakarta: Paradigma, 2017.

Nazaruddin, Kahfie. Pengantar Semiotika. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2015.

Schmidt, Lawrence Kennedy. Understanding Hermeneutics. New York: Routlegde, 2006.

Talib, Abdullah A. Filsafat Hermeneutika dan Semiotika. Sulawesi Tengah: LPP-Mitra Edukasi, 2018.

Wright, Terence. The Handbook Photography. New York: Routledge, 1999.

Artikel Online

Brady, Emily. “Jesus Is My Homeboy – Simplicity to Create Complexities.” Blogspot, Diakses 14 Juni 2023.

LaChapelle, David. “About.” David LaChapelle, Diakses 11 Mei 2024.

Mocomuseum. Group of Misfits, Diakses 11 Mei 2024.

Zakiah, Nena. “Sang Legenda, Ini 7 Fotografer Perempuan yang Terkenal Sepanjang Masa.” IDN Times, Diakses 13 Juni 2024.



How to Cite

Ferdiansyah. (2024). Seri Foto Jesus Is My Homeboy (2003) Karya David Lachapelle: Melalui Pendekatan Semiotika dan Pembacaan Hermenutik. IMAJI, 15(2), 97–105.