Resistensi Orde Baru: Foto Soeharto Tersenyum dan Teks “Pie Kabare? Enak Jamanku To?”
resistence, power, social construction, textAbstract
It is not about right and wrong, or about who is the powerful and who is not, but it is about a series of social problems that are stitched together to construnct a culture. Culture has its varieties, and that is exactly the essence of it; it can be broken, but then mended; extinct, but also nurtured; diminished, but also constructed; empty, but also filling; nothing, but also exists. Seeing the social condition of Indonesia, that is having difficulty letting go from stories of the New Order, which is not in subordinate position, there seems to be movements of resistence, as if trying to reconnect the once broken threads in Indonesia’s politics. The smile fo Soeharto and the text “Pie Kabare?” Enak Jamanku To?” exists and fills up the spaces of social anxieties, trying to mingle and greet back, as if what was once thrown away is actually the best condition.
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